FMV “vola” a Berlino!
FMV parteciperà alla 6a conferenza internazionale su “Social Responsibility, Ethics and Sustainable Business”, che si svolgerà Berlino il 28 e 29 settembre 2017 presso la School of Computing, Communication and Business (HTW Berlin). Il dibattito sarà incentrato sul tema “People and Corporate Social Responsibility in a Globalized World” e vi parteciparono ricercatori e studiosi provenienti da tutta Europa e non solo.
Gianpaolo Tomaselli (Research Officer presso l’Università di Malta, Department of Health Services Management e Post-Doctoral Fellow presso UGSM-Monarch Business School Switzerland) presenterà per FMV il paper dal titolo Corporate Family Responsibility as a Driver for Entrepreneurial Success.
Di seguito pubblichiamo in anteprima l’abstract dell’intervento.
While Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) refers to the general, broad, responsibilities of enterprises towards their different stakeholders, the environment and the society at all, Corporate Family Responsibility (CFR) is the specific responsibility towards their employees. Work-Life Balance (WLB), employees’ wellness and family-friendly policies are the main tools for CFR implementation in both large companies and Small and Medium Sized Enterprises (SMEs). In this view, this work aims to investigate the application of CFR in the context of Italian SMEs. We adopt the case study methodology and analyse a sample of five companies that have successfully implemented good practices of CFR in their strategies during the last few years. Research approach is multi-sectoral and the analysis is conducted in different Italian districts. Data were gathered through semi-structured interviews with CEOs of the investigated companies.
Results of the research conducted emphasize a growing attention by Italian SMEs towards to topics of CFR, WLB and family-friendly policies. Each CEO of the surveyed companies agree that implementing these tools allow to increase both personal and professional serenity levels and reduce stress factors with positive impacts on performance. To this regard, CFR may be considered a potential driver for entrepreneurial success.
© 6th ICSR Conference 2017
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